Pharmacists should play a greater role in public health

Author CIG Healthcare September 22, 2014

Community pharmacists should receive more help from the UK Government to allow them to play a more significant role in the prevention and early intervention of disease, says Kevin Fenton, director of health and wellbeing at Public Health England.


“Too often when you hear of primary care, it goes to general practitioners and that is wrong. The broad archipelago of providers, practitioners and assets in the community can engage individuals early on,” said Fenton at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s congress in Birmingham last month.


He stressed that community pharmacies will be key in tackling increasing chronic disease, obesity and the older population.


A recent Durham University study showed that 89 per cent of people in England live within a 20-minute walk of a pharmacy. This proportion increased to almost 100 per cent in deprived areas.


Fenton also noted that the location, environment and informality of pharmacy contributes to greater accessibility to a wider range of individuals.